Judgment and Conviction … without defense
Today completes 30 days of my trial and conviction. Google did not respond to any messages.
If you haven’t read the previous articles, I suggest you read them now.
I was tried and convicted with no right to a response or a request for forgiveness if I violated the rules. Google (Google’s robots) passed the machete. No prior notice, no response, access to support, no right to reply, reasoning, forgiveness or any interaction with the tool.
As you well know, I had my account deactivated a few days ago, 30 to be exact. I still don’t know why, I just suspect it, but I really don’t know why my account was suspended and disabled.
Google does not have any access channels. Actually it does, but only for decoration, just to say that they do. No one actually responds or interacts with the user. Just a robot that passes by your account, checks, identifies… judges and condemns.
I went through a virtual and fully robotic jury.
With no chance of accessing your account to redeem some information before deletion, it becomes very difficult. It is simply IMPOSSIBLE to talk to Google, there is no support whatsoever.
How does it work if something happens on your account?
Well, in my case it happened as follows:
- I was normally accessing my account when I was logged out of nowhere. I tried to log in and then I get the message that my account has been disabled. In the window it says that if I believe that the account was disabled by mistake, I can request analysis.
- I did it. I clicked to request analysis, filled in with an alternative email that Google asks for and send a text with possible explanations (of something I don’t even know what it is).
- I received this email below:

Very well. 02 days later I received the JUDGMENT, CONDEMNATION and EXECUTION. The robot mentions that it actually found a violation of the terms and returns this message to me. Your account will not be reset.

As you can see. I didn’t stand a chance. I simply lost 17 years of Google account. All my digital history, extremely important emails, achievements, photos, files, videos, memories, YouTube history, movies I bought, my developer account I PAID to have it, MY MONEY on AdSense. EVERYTHING.
Every day for the past 30 days, I remember something I missed. Everyday something I miss. From old emails to blocked bank accounts because I can’t change the 02 factor authentication.
I used my personal email as a great repository for everything I did on the internet.
Dumb. Feeling dumb, maybe dumb, for trusting Google. Because they can judge you at any time, condemn you at any time, exclude your life at any time.
If you violate any rules, even if unconscious (in my case) you will not have a voice. Google throws your life in the trash, without giving you a chance, without talking, without analyzing what’s tied to your account and neither without analyzing your history within the platform. It doesn’t matter if you have never violated any rules, if it is the first time or if the little robot has not seen any other violations (if you have done so).
You are treated like a criminal, a terrorist, like a bad, bad, unscrupulous person. Damn it if you had something important or not… they delete your account and the problem is yours.
Judgment, Conviction and Execution.